الأحد، 26 مارس 2017

30 من أفضل تطبيقات ايباد لمدرسي التربية الفنية

يعتقد الكثيرون أن مادة التربية الفنية مجرد مضيعة للوقت أو في أحسن الأحوال مادة ثانوية. و لعل ما يدفعهم لذلك تخصيص حيز زمني ضيق لها 

في استعمالات الزمن، بل و استغلال ذلك الحيز أحيانا لتعويض حصص مواد دراسية أخرى تعتبر في الكثير من الثقافات أكثر أهمية. لكن ما لا يعلمه الكثيرون هو أن مادة التربية الفنية لا تقل أهمية عن المواد الدراسية الأخرى بل و يؤدي تدريسها بشكل صحيح إلى تنمية روح الابتكار و الخيال لدى المتعلمين باعتبارهما من المهارات الأساسية التي تؤهل الطالب للنجاح و التميز. كما أن الإبداع الفني يعد وسيلة ناجعة للتعبير عن الأفكار و المشاعر التي لا يمكن التعبير عنها شفويا أو حتى كتابيا، الأمر الذي يمنح الفرد فرصة للتنفيس عن دواخله و من تم يحد من العنف و كافة أشكال التعبير السلبية.
إلى جانب ما تم ذكره، فإن التربية الفنية تعرف المتعلم بالمصطلحات التقنية و المهنية و كيفية توظيفها، و تفتح المجال أمامه للتعرف على مختلف الأدوات الفنية و كيفية استخدامها على الوجه الأمثل.
تلكم كانت بعض النقاط التي تبرز أهمية مادة التربية الفنية، و رغبة منا في مساعدة مدرسي هذه المادة على توظيف ما جادت به التكنولوجيا من معينات ديداكتيكية و أدوات محاكاة الواقع، فقد اخترنا لكم في هذا المقال لائحة تضم 30 من أفضل تطبيقات أيباد لمدرسي التربية الفنية ، علما أن الكثير من هذه التطبيقات متوفرة أيضا لمستخدمي الأندرويد.
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Great way to send and retrieve documents and images.

Mar 25, 2013 - itunes.apple.com - 9070
Create virtual sketchbooks for each of your students.



Mar 25, 2013 - itunes.apple.com - 7671
Is a good drawing app with layers for more advanced interactions. Here is a nice review of the uses in the art curriculum: http://www.theartofed.com/2012/06/26/the-app-every-art-teacher-must-have/
Here is a video overview of the featueres: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tn2id0MjD18
SketchBook Pro offers more layers and additional features including the Photoshop format. Check out this video geared toward kids learning the basics of Sketchbook Pro. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnxQRJUwPi0


Mar 25, 2013 - itunes.apple.com - 7340
Create and share presentations using images and embedded video. See how art students used them at the Art Institute of Chicago: http://theteachingpalette.com/2013/02/01/artist-experts-on-ipads/

Mar 25, 2013 - itunes.apple.com - 8141
Pricey but it is a fantastic app if you want to do any video production with your students.

Mar 25, 2013 - itunes.apple.com - 8362

Teach your students all sorts of symmetry applications including tessellations. Learn more and see student samples here: http://baart.weebly.com/1/post/2013/01/the-amaziograph-app-is-amazio-ing.html



Mar 25, 2013 - itunes.apple.com - 7037
Motion HD is an intuitive and powerful time-lapse and stop-motion app for iOS.
Take pictures, edit your movie and export HD 720p videos to your device or directly to Youtube. See how this was used for claymation: http://splatsscrapsandglueblobs.blogspot.com/2012/11/claymation-with-5th-grade-students.html



Mar 25, 2013 - itunes.apple.com - 9467
Lots of great textures and layers for making beautiful artwork. Student example here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/69435082@N06/6779684628/in/set-72157629802735527/


Mar 25, 2013 - itunes.apple.com - 9245
This is great for teachers to use to organize lesson plans or older students to organize resources. Check out this post for more ways teachers can use in the classroom : http://theteachingpalette.com/2012/02/26/teaching-art-in-the-cloud/


Mar 25, 2013 - itunes.apple.com - 8862
Draw, paint and edit photos. Supports multiple layers for advanced artwork techniques.



Mar 25, 2013 - itunes.apple.com - 9452
Percolator app is useful to create abstracted effects. Nice introduction to using the iPad for younger students. See student sample here: https://itunes.apple.com/ie/app/percolator/id385454903?mt=8


Mar 25, 2013 - itunes.apple.com - 9867
Great for primary level students and integrates literature and symbolism too. Student examples: http://www.artsonia.com/museum/gallery.asp?exhibit=610488 Check out our interview with the children's book author that inspired this app: http://theteachingpalette.com/2010/04/02/conversation-with-hanoch-piven-about-his-new-iphone-app-“faces-imake”-3/


Mar 25, 2013 - itunes.apple.com - 8356
Great animation tool useful for elementary art students too. See how it is used here: http://drydenart.weebly.com/1/post/2012/04/the-aliens-have-landed.html


Mar 25, 2013 - itunes.apple.com - 7753
Great way to integrate literacy into your art curriculum. Here are some student self-portrait examples: http://www.artsonia.com/museum/gallery.asp?exhibit=627232


Mar 25, 2013 - itunes.apple.com - 7654
While this app could never replace the tactile feel of watercolor, this app does create amazing watercolor effects.


Mar 25, 2013 - itunes.apple.com - 8647
I would have recommended this app as my favorite last year, but no longer. Brushes has changed their business model so that if you want to get layers, it is only done with an in-app purchase. For schools who do bulk purchases, it will not work. :(


Mar 25, 2013 - itunes.apple.com - 9445
This app allows you to combine photos with text. A great way to combine literacy into traditional art projects. Check out these poetry examples: http://blogs.southfieldchristian.org/pixelsandpaintbrushes/2012/10/30/fall-photo-poems-using-the-phonto-app/


Mar 25, 2013 - itunes.apple.com - 9751
This free app allows combination of photos along with audio recordings. A great way to reflect on student artwork.


Mar 27, 2013 by Tricia Fuglestad - itunes.apple.com - 9853
This is an advanced painting app for the iPad. I love the tools, textures, tilting canvas, and blending feature. I have examples here: http://drydenart.weebly.com/1/post/2012/07/painting-and-playing-on-the-ipad.html


Jun 12, 2015 - itunes.apple.com - 9345
This amazing app takes creative work to the next level. Start with a photo of a student work with one main subject and remove all the negative space with the masking tool. A new image can then be placed in the background behind student artwork and even a cast shadow can be added.. The best part about this app is that the student image can be saved to the camera roll as a PNG file (transparent background) and used with ANY other app! For example, use DoInk animation to animate student artwork (PNG saved from Superimpose). Extend it further by loading the DoInk animation into iMovie and have the student record a description or story.


Mar 25, 2013 - itunes.apple.com - 7232
PhotoSync wirelessly transfers photos & videos between iPad devices and your computer. PhotoSync also transfers to Dropbox, Picasa/Google+, Facebook, Flickr, and more.


Mar 25, 2013 - itunes.apple.com - 7635
Nice video editing app, less expensive alternative to iMovie.


Mar 25, 2013 - itunes.apple.com - 9242
Likely too expensive to add to multiple iPads - but the video editing Pinnacle app has some AMAZING advanced features that make it definitely worth the purchase on a one iPad classroom.


Mar 25, 2013 - itunes.apple.com - 8536
Videolicious is great for creating a movie with images. Students describe artwork or learning process and post directly online.


Mar 25, 2013 - itunes.apple.com - 7341
Great for graphic design or collage. Start with an image and cutout specific parts for college effects. .png file can also be uploaded and added. Text and drawing features are also included.


Mar 25, 2013 - itunes.apple.com - 9444
OutColor allows you to make compelling 3D images from single conventional 2D photographs. This effect is also called the “Out of Bounds” effect where the contents are taken outside the boundaries, presented in creative 3D perspective. Check out this artsy example: https://twitter.com/fuglefun/status/317019492997820416/photo/1


Mar 25, 2013 - itunes.apple.com - 7337
The Best iPad Apps in Art Education | Inspire Pro
Although this is an expensive app, the oil painting effects are amazing. Great for one iPad or to recommend to students to buy if they have their own device.


Mar 27, 2013 by Tricia Fuglestad - itunes.apple.com - 9442
This is a great vector drawing app for illustration. I have examples here: http://drydenart.weebly.com/1/post/2013/03/playing-with-the-inkpad-app.html


Mar 04, 2014 by Larissa Murdock
Great App for basic drawing, has all the tools general needed and can be used for tracing existing images.


Mar 04, 2014 by Larissa Murdock
Makes word collages. Great for improving literacy and expanding students knowledge of art terminology.